Thursday, September 3, 2015

Social Media as a Form of Marketing

Many of us know that businesses around the world utilize one or more forms of social media. We may think that its just a way for the business to provide connivence to us as customers for viewing products and keeping updated with that particular business. To no surprise, the business is not doing that for convenience purposes, but rather using it as a marketing tool. I think it is a very smart decision for businesses to make. Choosing to be active on social media has so many perks for businesses.

If you think about marketers, one of their goals is to reach out to mass amounts of people. What better way to reach a large number of people than to create a facebook account/Instagram/twitter? Social media is something that almost everyone uses on a daily basis. As times change, less and less people are listening to the radio, watching TV, reading news papers etc. 74% of all internet users have some form of social media according to Pew Research Center. That is a very high percentage of people that could possibly be reached out to via social media.

Equipped with features such as direct messaging on twitter, messenger on facebook, and private messaging on Instagram, customers are able to communicate with businesses without picking up the "oh so terrifying" telephone and dialing the store. From personal experience, the store I work in advertises strictly via Facebook and Instagram. This technique has worked phenomenally for the business while cutting huge advertising expenses. Social media has given the store the opportunity to create it's own feel that it communicates to customers without them having to set foot in the store. With changing times comes changing ways. It is up to businesses to keep up with the current marketing strategies in order to reach out to the potential customers, and social media just happens to be the new marketing channel.

Works Cited:
"Social Networking Fact Sheet." Pew Research Center Internet Science Tech RSS.N.p.,27 Dec. 2013. Web. 03 Sept. 2015.

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