Friday, September 25, 2015


What is it?

LinkedIn is a networking website used by many business professionals, students, and families around the world. LinkedIn is the largest professional networking site that is around today. Unlike most popular social media forms, LinkIn isn't used for useless status updates or hashtags. LinkedIn is used for exchanging information, knowledge, ideas, and job opportunities.

How it works.

LinkedIn is fairly easy to setup and is much like setting up any other social media account. You create a professional profile listing things such as past job experience, education, current job experience, resume, blog links, and much more. LinkedIn is a great way to connect with other professionals and network among them.

Pros and Cons.

Some benefits of creating and using LinkedIn are as follows:
  • finding job opportunities
  • staying in tune with other business professionals
  • networking to potential employers
  • stay up to date with industry news
Some cons of creating and using LinkedIn are as follows:
  • LinkedIn is known for SPAM
  • Time consuming to set up
  • Hard to maintain connections and conversations

works cited:
"LinkedIn for Business: Pros & Cons You Should Be Aware Of | Cision."Cision RSS2. N.p., 27 Sept. 2013. Web. 25 Sept. 2015.

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