Monday, September 28, 2015

Reputation Management and Brand Marketing

We've all heard of the terms Marketing and Management (or at least I hope so), but Reputation Management and Brand Marketing might be new to our vocabulary. Lets start with discussing what they are.

Reputation Management

Reputation management is a form of management is a form of maintaining a companies reputation. Reputation management started off as a term used in Public Relations. Nowadays this term is primarily used in Media Relations and maintaining a reputation online.

Brand Marketing

The act of marketing a product so that it's brand represents the companies identity and reputation. For example, when you are looking to buy a new laptop if you're given the option between an Apple laptop or some other standard brand, which are you going to choose? Most likely Apple. Why? Because you are buying so much more than just the laptop, you are buying the reputation of having an Apple product.

Reputation Marketing

Reputation marketing is the result of the combination of Reputation Management and Brand Marketing.  Reputation Marketing is all about customer reviews and feedback from an online source such as Facebook, Google, Blog Pages, etc. Neilson Research did a study in 2012 about consumer reviews and they found that 70% of all consumers will trust an online review of a company or product. That is a pretty large number if you ask me! The importance maintaining a good reputation definitely has its benefits for a company, more than you think.

Works Cited:
"Brand Marketing | What Is Brand Marketing?" Brand Marketing | What Is Brand Marketing? Marketing-schools, n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2015.

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