Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Resume writing 101

In the world of business a person without a strong resume might find it hard to survive. With recent opportunities i've encountered, I  had to write a very detailed resume. Little did I know how much time and effort goes into making a substantial resume. I would like to share with you some tips that I found to be extremely helpful while writing mine.

Tip # 1. Identify accomplishments not just previous job duties:
A lot of the time we get carried away with listing all of our previous job duties and rambling about how much responsibility we took on doing this or that. In actuality, accomplishments stand out way more than duties.

Tip # 2. Keep it relevant 
Yes, most of us have all worked a job in which it was a pretty part time, extra spending money-type job. For example when applying for a job in the accounting field, don't include on your resume that you babysat one summer. It is a huge waste of space and completely irrelevant for the job you're looking at.

Tip # 3. Keep it easy to read
More than likely if your resume has crazy fonts, lots of color, and a funky format, whoever is in charge of reading it will throw it away. If it is hard to read it won't be considered. The chances are, there is a huge stack of other resumes behind yours to be read and you're wasting an employers time by doing that.

Tip # 4. Good objective statement
Make your objective statement short and to the point. However, that doesn't mean make it boring. Express yourself and your strengths as best as you can in a couple of sentences. A good objective statement makes for a good start to the resume.

Tip # 5. Keep it short.
The last thing employers want to do is read a 3 or 4 page resume. Summarize everything onto one page if possible. Of course this is not doable for everyone but if you can make it one page do so. Employers don't want to spend more time than they need to just reading through the same ideas over and over again.

Happy Resume Writing!

Works Cited:
 "resume." Personal Interview. 4 Sept. 2015

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