Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Electric Car

Apple to the rescue
Cars used to be thought of like how we think of time machines nowadays. Impossible. Apple does not think so. According to recent news, Apple committed to designing the electric car and already is planning for 2019 ship dates. 

What are electric cars?

  • Cars that run on 100 % electricity.
  • environmental friendly.
  • Some can be half electricity driven and half fuel. (Hybrid).

What will this to do to auto and other industries?

  • Potentially monopolize the automobile indsutry. 
    • No more fuel run cars
  • Compete with other cars on the market that are run by fuel.
  • Create a dramatic drop in demand for oil/gas.
    • put many gas stations out of business

Works Cited: 
WAKABAYASHI, DAISUKE. "Apple Targets Electric-Car Shipping Date for 2019." WSJ. N.p., 21 Sept. 2015. Web. 23 Sept. 2015.

Magna Steyr Mila. Digital image. OSX Daily. N.p., 13 Feb. 2015. Web. 23 Sept. 2015.

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