Wednesday, September 16, 2015

New pharmacy likely to put others out of business.


What would a doctors visit be like without going to the pharmacy right afterwards to pick up prescriptions? Well, it looks like we are about to find out. A new company PillPack has developed the next generation pharmacy service. PillPack is a full-service online pharmacy designed to make your prescriptions pre-labeled, pre-sorted, and delivered right to your door. PillPack even has pharmacists available 24/7 to take care of everything for you and pre-contacts your doctors when you need to be prescribed refills. 

How it affects other businesses
The idea of PillPack sounds almost too good to be true right? Its great unless you're a small business owner of a pharmacy, or employed by a pharmacy other than PillPack. PillPack is like the Netlix to the blockbuster, only in pill form. This advanced form of pharmacy is breaking technology that could potentially put other pharmacies out of business. We've seen it happen before with movie stores as mentioned above. Are pharmacies the next thing to go? With the convenience that Pillpack provides, and the ease of use it is very likely to make an impact on the pharmacy industry. Pillpack is even equipped with mobile features such as an app and daily reminders when to take pills. This is yet another example of how technology is constantly changing the way businesses operate and affect the environment around them.

Works cited: 
PillPack. "Shared Article from INFORUM." INFORUM. PillPack, 12 Sept. 2015. Web. 16 Sept. 2015.

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