Monday, November 16, 2015

Paris attacks

Not only were the terrorist attacks by ISIS an extremely devastating series of events for the people of Paris at the time of the attacks, but they are also having a huge effect many days after. The people of Paris and the businesses of Paris are suffering right now. Shortly after the city of Paris began to set up for the Christmas market and hang lights throughout the city, the city was attacked. Today, many of the shops and stalls remained closed by official order and stores resemble ghost towns. Shops lacking customers is a very small tragedy in comparison to the loss of a life but is an indicator of Paris's lack of economic recovery after the attacks. Most people who were looking to travel to Paris over this holiday season are now steering away from traveling. Not only are tourists afraid to travel to Paris and walk the streets of the city, but the people of Paris are also fearful to walk the streets by shops and they want to avoid crowds. It is too soon to say how long the repercussions of the attacks will continue to be present, but its safe to say that for now the economy is suffering and many businesses will not see as many sales as previous months even though the Holidays are among us. Tourism represents 8% of the French economy and with many hotel cancellations, event cancellations, no foot traffic, and people remaining isolated, the French economy is sure to suffer.

works cited:
Jolly, David, Jack Ewing, and Doreen Carvajal. "After Paris Attacks, Waiting for Shopping and Culture to Come Back to Life." The New York Times. The New York Times, 16 Nov. 2015. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.

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