Sunday, November 29, 2015

Getting Paris Back on Track

As you recall last week I wrote a blog about the economic repercussions of the Paris attacks, now I am following up with how Paris should go about getting back on track. You can probably imagine tourism has slowed down significantly since the attacks in Paris. Tourism accounts for over 7% of France's GDP. Two weeks later Paris is still seeing sparse lines at stores, less traffic, and early Holiday sales in hopes to attract customers. The 4th quarter was not so great for the people who do business in France because of the attacks, long-term planning on the political and business fronts will likely increase the countries economy. Last week a survey was completed which involved American Business people who have conducted business in France and the results showed that France is actually perceived less bad as years before. France especially now relies on business people around the world to continue doing business in France because of the downfall of the economy. The survey results look hopeful for the French economy and the likeliness of long-term effects on the attacks are slim. If the percentage of people with a negative perception of the French Market continues to decrease, France will likely see better days ahead.

Works Cited:
Karabell, Shellie. "Paris Now: How to Get Business Back on Track." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 28 Nov. 2015. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.

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