Thursday, November 12, 2015

Human Resources in a Firm

If you have ever applied for a job in an established firm/company, you've probably dealt with the Human Resources department. Personally speaking, I have always wondered what the human resources department of a company does.

HR has 3 goals:
1. Attract an effective workforce.
-Internal vs. external hiring.
-Looking for a good fit.
2. Develop the workforce.
-Training and Education.
3. Maintain the workforce.
-Compensation, Benefits, etc.
As you can tell, HR is centered around finding good employees, developing them, and maintain them.

If only their job was that easy! HR not only has to hire employees they feel are a good fit for the company, but they have to make sure they are not violating any laws while doing so. One of the biggest issues they face is discrimination. Discrimination is making job related decisions on non-job related criteria. Whether they intend to or not, many HR departments could have faced legal action on the basis of discrimination. If a firm is 15 people or greater they are subject to legal action when the criteria describes a protected group. To avoid potentially facing legal action firms will take affirmative action( sometimes required by a court) and give preference in hiring and promoting to members of protected groups.

Works Cited:
Brown, Paul. "Human Resources." Management 320. Barry Hall, Fargo. 8 Nov. 2015. Lecture.

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