Friday, October 16, 2015

What makes a good Tutorial Video

With the current assignment in English 320, I though discussing tutorial videos would be quite fitting. While working on the assignment myself, I began to think of what qualities I enjoy in tutorial videos. Guilty of watching many make up tutorials, piano tutorials, and baking tutorials, I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly.
The first thing that I find important in making a video tutorial is a good intro. If the intro of the video seems boring then I most likely won't bother to watch the rest of it. However, if the intro grabs my attention with some features, music, etc. I am eager to see what's next. The intro of the video really sets the tone of what is to come.
The next thing I think is important is that the tutorial is made very simple. Don't assume a knowledgable audience. Most likely, your audience will be someone who knows little to nothing about the topic being explained. Even if your audience happens to have a basic knowledge of the content, being thorough never hurts.
Another thing I like in a tutorial is when the maker/speaker is slow and descriptive. There is nothing that makes me more upset than when the tutorial speaker goes way too fast. If the tutorial is music related tutorial it will more than likely require you to play back what you just learned. When the tutorial goes through everything quickly, it makes it more difficult to keep up.
Keeping the tutorial under 10 minutes is another feature that I think is important. If I click on a tutorial video on Youtube and I see that its over 10 minutes I try and look for another one. Granted some topics take a little more elaboration than others, keeping it under 10 minutes will ensure your audience stays tuned.
Overall just remember K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid. Make it short but sweet. Make sure your video is easy to understand for less knowledgable audiences. Lastly, make it interesting, no one wants to be overloaded with information.

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