Thursday, October 22, 2015


As a college student eventually seeking a career, the word "internship" has become a very familiar term. Internships are designed to give people hands on experience in a job environment or position. Some majors at schools around the country are now requiring students apply and get an internship before graduation. Internships provide many great benefits. As mentioned before, internships provide hands-on experience. Many employers look for employees that have relevant work experience that internships provide. Internships also provide the opportunity to see and experience many different types of jobs within an organization to give you an idea of what you might want to pursue. As an intern you develop many skills that employers seek. Whether it is the ability to work with others, complete a certain task, you will have developed a multitude of skills. Another benefit of internships are that they push you outside of your comfort zone, often times introducing you to unfamiliar things.

However, internships also have their negative qualities. In the workplace you are often thought of as a student, regardless of your status. You are also tagged with the name 'the intern' in a condescending manner. Your role as an intern can often be confusing because the work you do is very broad making it hard to focus your aim. Lastly, internships don't always have consistent schedules like your typical 9-5 job might.

Personally speaking, I think internships provide great opportunities for learning. Often times internships can lead to jobs within the same company after they are done. Internships can be a crucial part in developing your education and building a good resume.

works cited:
Flecher, Nicola. "Pros & Cons of an Internship..." The Outreach Interns. N.p., 22 Mar. 2013. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.

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