Monday, October 5, 2015

Twitter may need change to survive.

Sorry Tweeters, you're not quite enough.

Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of the infamous social media hotspot Twitter has made it apparent that there is still a lot left to do in order for Twitter to ensure Twitter's survival. With 300 million users, Twitter still needs more. In order for Twitter to continue to generate revenue it must add to it's 300 million users. Although it may seem that Facebook is outdated and Twitter is the new "hip" social media place to post, that is not the case. Facebook sees over 1 billion active users everyday. What will this company do in order to see continued success? Twitter is about to make changes.

People's thoughts on making twitter better:

  • Kim Kardashian-West tweeted  saying:
"I just emailed Twitter to see if they can add an edit feature so that when u misspell something u don't have to delete & repost Let's see..."
Jack Dorsey Actually replied thanking her for the feedback saying it was much appreciated.
  • Extending the amount of characters available to type per tweet.
  • User @canadagood tweeted to @jack saying :
"Dear @Jack Dorsey,
The one thing I want from is an easy jump to any time/date in my Twitter feed without scrolling. Thanks."

  • User @askaaronlee tweeted :
"Dear @jack, can you change your 'favorite' button to a 'like' button? thanks."

Could all of these suggestions please the current Twitter users while still generating new ones? That is the million dollar question being asked right now. Dorsey is currently in the process of rethinking certain Twitter features such as the one's mentioned above in hopes to strengthen his company''s growth.

works cited:
Fiegerman, Seth. "So, Jack Dorsey, What Comes next for Twitter? The Public Has Some Ideas." Mashable. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2015.

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