Sunday, August 30, 2015

H&M's attempt at eco-friendly practices

Shop to save the environment!

An article recently published talks of the clothing retail store H&M. In this article written by Shadz Loresco she talks about how H&M has been collecting people's old clothing since Februrary 2013 to produce a recycled clothing collection. H&M's purpose of creating this collection is to make shoppers aware of their not-so-green habits of disposing their clothing once it's out of style. H&M says for every kilo of recycled clothing they receive, they will donate P1 to the UNICEF in the Philippines. Denim jumpsuits, pants, and jackets will soon be available for people to purchase, the best part being that they are made from recycled cotton and organic cotton. Every bag of clothing donated is given a voucher to be used in H&M stores with some sort of discount.

Eco-friendly practice's alternative motive

 I don't doubt H&M's sincerity in their attempts to go green, but I do think there is more than one motive for doing so. As a business major, and having taken many apparel/fashion classes, I have studied the practices of businesses going green for profitable purposes. Can going green be a financially smart decision for companies? Absolutely. Nowadays shoppers who don't agree with a companies ethics  will chose not to shop with them because they have a plethora of other options. Loresco talks about how H&M is trying to reach out to it's customers by creating an emotional connection. H&M is engaging the customer in their efforts of going green and publicly expressing their values in the environment. Most people, when given the choice, will shop somewhere environmentally friendly rather than not."Formally making an emotional connection with the consumer is what H&M also strives for, according to communications chief Meija" (Loresco). Nevertheless, H&M is generous in their donations to charities and rewarding customers for partaking in the movement so they claim their revenues are't being counted but when asked, they agree it is giving them an advantage. 

H&M's strategy behind their movement.
Works cited:
Loresca, Shadz. "Shopping eco-friendly jeans with H&M denim reborn." August 31,2015.

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