Sunday, August 30, 2015

H&M's attempt at eco-friendly practices

Shop to save the environment!

An article recently published talks of the clothing retail store H&M. In this article written by Shadz Loresco she talks about how H&M has been collecting people's old clothing since Februrary 2013 to produce a recycled clothing collection. H&M's purpose of creating this collection is to make shoppers aware of their not-so-green habits of disposing their clothing once it's out of style. H&M says for every kilo of recycled clothing they receive, they will donate P1 to the UNICEF in the Philippines. Denim jumpsuits, pants, and jackets will soon be available for people to purchase, the best part being that they are made from recycled cotton and organic cotton. Every bag of clothing donated is given a voucher to be used in H&M stores with some sort of discount.

Eco-friendly practice's alternative motive

 I don't doubt H&M's sincerity in their attempts to go green, but I do think there is more than one motive for doing so. As a business major, and having taken many apparel/fashion classes, I have studied the practices of businesses going green for profitable purposes. Can going green be a financially smart decision for companies? Absolutely. Nowadays shoppers who don't agree with a companies ethics  will chose not to shop with them because they have a plethora of other options. Loresco talks about how H&M is trying to reach out to it's customers by creating an emotional connection. H&M is engaging the customer in their efforts of going green and publicly expressing their values in the environment. Most people, when given the choice, will shop somewhere environmentally friendly rather than not."Formally making an emotional connection with the consumer is what H&M also strives for, according to communications chief Meija" (Loresco). Nevertheless, H&M is generous in their donations to charities and rewarding customers for partaking in the movement so they claim their revenues are't being counted but when asked, they agree it is giving them an advantage. 

H&M's strategy behind their movement.
Works cited:
Loresca, Shadz. "Shopping eco-friendly jeans with H&M denim reborn." August 31,2015.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Cellphones and Success

Can cellphones actually be useful in the workplace?

Yes. Contrary to the popular, negative view on cellphones, they can in fact offer benefits when utilized in the workplace. Speaking personally, I use my cellphone for work related activities at least 5 times per shift. I noticed that more and more businesses are using smartphones for every day activities. For example, Nordstrom uses iphones with credit card swiping gadgets on them to ring up customers, while target has its own app they offer to shoppers to scan items with their iphone to receive discounts while equipping employees with the same features. The list of businesses that use similar practices goes on.

Both sides of the story.

Many places would argue that cellphones should not be used in the workplace for any purposes as they are deemed as "unprofessional". Depending on the industry that could be true. There is always the chance an employee will abuse their power of using cell phones by using them for personal reasons while on the job.
I have observed that for the most part cell phones can indeed play major roles in helping companies with day to day tasks. For Nordstrom it eliminates customers needing to wait in a huge line to purchase their items which plays a role in customer satisfaction. In business, customer satisfaction is vital for success. For the store I work in, I am expected to keep my phone on me so that my boss is able to text me updates if she is not present in the store. 
Essentially the usefulness of cellphones depends on the company and the industry that the business operates in. Regardless of the negative viewpoints of cellphone use nowadays, the features they obtain could create a competitive edge for a business.
Picture citation: 
OSHA Signs. OSHA NOTICE Cell Phone Use In Designated Area Only Sign ONE-14121. Digital image., n.d. Web. 28 Aug. 2015.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Introduction Blog: Week 1

Just an introduction 

Hello everyone, I would first like to introduce myself. My name is Tori Geston. I was born and raised right here in Fargo, North Dakota. When i'm not working or going to class, you can find me either a) running b) shopping c) playing the piano or d) hanging out with friends. Some of my hobbies include music (cello and piano) , running, playing soccer, modeling, and fashion. Some fun facts about me include: I have a insane obsession with Ice cream, I run at least 5 miles a day, I make really good key lime pie (or so I think), and i've attended 2 Michael BublĂ© concerts. 

A little more in depth
I am a junior at NDSU majoring in Business Management, minoring in Apparel/Retail merchandising. As with most college students, this was not my original major coming into college freshman year. In fact I had quite a few changes in majors before I decided to stick with one. Let me tell you a little about why Business Management is what I decided to stick to. Starting a little over a year and a half ago I started working at a locally owned bridal store which I pursed because I was seeking a part time job in the retail field. Nevertheless, it turns out this job opened my eyes to a whole new industry in which I have come to love. I am exposed to real world situations and decisions that business managers face everyday, giving me a taste for the career. The pictures displayed below are just a few examples of some of the company's Facebook posts that I have created.

Classes actually being applicable?

Carpe Diem! Now that I am junior, I am in the school of business. A huge sigh of relief is breathed now that my classes actually apply to my interest in the work force. My fall schedule consists of managment, marketing, finance, business writing, and statistic classes. All of which are applicable to my potential jobs in the business world. I am elated to start learning information in classes in which I can apply and take with me the rest of my career. These courses are just the start to my exciting adventure in the wonderful world of business.